Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe to Perform with Cannabis Corpse at Cory Smoot Memorial Concert

Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe will perform with Cannabis Corpse at Cory Smoot’s memorial concert on January 7. The concert for the former Gwar guitarist–also known as Flattus Maximus–who passed away last month, will be held at the Canal Club in Richmond, Virginia.

Blythe has been called in following the departures from Cannabis Corpse of vocalist Andy “Weedgrinder” Horn and guitarist Nick “Nikropolis” Poulos.
“Cory was the guitarist in Gwar who passed away recently and was a friend of mine who recorded my guest vocals on the Jasta CD,” Blyhte commented. “He leaves a pregnant wife behind [their first child] and a mortgage.
“Cory didn’t have life insurance and his wife is going to need every penny she can get with a kid on the way and bills to pay. Although Gwar is a relatively large band and are doing all they can for Mrs. Smoot, the fact of the matter nobody is rich and times will be hard.
“My friends in Cannabis Corpse were scheduled to play the benefit show, but suddenly are having lineup difficulties. So what the fuck and why not?
“On January 7, Cannabis Corpse WILL play — but I will be singing!
“Come check out some brutal death metal for a good cause! I’ll be working on my death metal voice ’till then, pretending to smoke weed and getting deeper than fuck.  I’m quite confident I can properly do the Cannabis Corpse tunes justice AND add something new. Now I need a ‘weed metal’ name!”

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