Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pat Jordache

Montreal's Pat Jordache is an enchantingly quirky guy with a strange booming baritone that makes ramshackle lo-fi noise pop with slightly goth-y undertones. Let's just say this outright: Pat Jordache's music is weird. Definitely. And his jams give the overall feeling of sounding just sort of... broken; and that's what makes them sound so right. This guy is clearly on his own path.

A frequent tUnE-yArDs collaborator and an ex-Ariel Pink as an influence, so if you're familiar with the mighty Pink's work, you're going to be on the right track to like this. But to my ears, this definitely sounds like uncharted pop territory. It's one thing to listen to something so uniquely bizarre. It's another thing to listen to something so uniquely bizarre and then want to play it again...and again... and again.

Whatever Pat Jordache is doing, not too many people are going to come along and try to replicate it. But with jams as strangely satisfying as this, you can be sure as hell the kids are going to try.

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