Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sleepies will haunt your reality and destroy your dreams.

Brooklyn's Sleepies are a good sludgy punk band whose pummeling guitars get you all revved up and make you want to, I don't know, tell your boss off or go punch some dry wall that looked at you wrong or something. If you like it loud, this band will give you a fantastically good time. 

I hear some Sex Pistols' influence here, but maybe that's because I was just listening to the Sex Pistols before writing this. Or, maybe it's because they sound like the Sex Pistols. You be the judge, dear Rockness reader. Listen to the Sleepies song at the end of this profile and let ME know. 

Oh yeah, Sleepies' new full-length debut album was produced by The Men's Ben Greenberg.The Men are a good band, too. And their previous EP release was produced by Nick Slyvester ofMr. Dream. Mr. Dream are also a good band. Good bands FOREVA!!!!!!!! 

Go see Sleepies. You can't NOT have a good time at this show. Unless you don't like it loud. If that's the case, you're going to hate these guys. 

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