Thursday, December 22, 2011

Courtney Love Challenges Eviction in Manhattan Court

Hole rocker's lawyer says she has paid all due rent


Courtney Love has asked a Manhattan Housing Court judge to shoot down her landlord's bid to have her evicted from her West Village apartment. Love's attorney Eric Sherman appeared in court yesterday to file a motion requesting that the matter be dropped entirely since the rocker has caught up on paying her rent.

"The landlord had improperly sought three months' rent at one time – including for the month of January," Sherman told reporters. "She paid the rent due November 15th, and again on December 15th, and she will pay again on January 15th." Love pays $27,000 per month to rent the property.

Donna Lyon, the owner of the building, says that Love violated the terms of her lease by altering the interiors of the building, which had been decorated by the previous resident, interior designer Steven Gambrel. Love's lawyers argued yesterday that the singer actually improved upon the décor. "She'll tell you herself the place is in better shape now than when she moved in," he said.
In a post on, Love insists that Lyon's issues with her decor are unfounded. "I moved into this home only on the condition that I could paint it and when I leave, I'd restore it to exactly what it was," says Love. “Having a landlady tell you your Prelle, $2,000-a-yard fabric used in Jean Patou’s Parisian apartment or your Majorelle, Ruhlman, Regency furniture is 'destructive' is totally weird. My taste is artful and femme, but it's excellent."

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