Friday, January 13, 2012

Fred Durst Documents Juice Fast on Tumblr

Limp Bizkit frontman struggles not to cheat by eating cookies and candy


Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst is nearly two weeks into blogging a very difficult 60-day juice fast on Tumblr. Though Durst began the project with a great deal of enthusiasm – his first post on January 2nd was an image of his new juicer with the caption "My new best friend!" - he quickly became frustrated and very, very hungry. "This is going slowwwww," Durst wrote on the third day. "Probably because I cheated last night and had some M&M's."

Though Durst has lost some weight, his posts have become increasingly sporadic and distressed. "Another day of juice down. Definitely NOT getting easier. And I cheated tonight with an oatmeal cookie. She was good!!," he wrote on the fourth day. He didn't update for four days in a row until today, when he explained that his silence was due to not seeing "any significant results yet."

"I am about 2 lbs lights and definitely feeling better internally," says Durst. "My thoughts are clear and inspired, but I'm discouraged in some ways. I guess it's my own personal baggage that's lugging around behind me. All comes to the forefront on a diet like this. I'm going to dive into a heavy cardio, sit ups, and weights routine on Monday. I'm sure that's the next level of fulfillment."

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