Friday, May 25, 2012

Infinity Shred shred

Is that not the coolest band name in the world, or what? And it's new, too. These two guys used to be known as Starscream, but they had to change their name due to something dumb like "the law."

But no matter what they're calling themselves these days, this Brooklyn band has been pretty damn awesome for a while now. Along with their pals Anamanaguchi, Infinity Shred is one of the leading 8-bit bands cruising around in magical 8-bit land. (8-bit: it's more than just "video game music," kids.)

Infinity Shred's drawn-out, space-y songs take their sweet time getting into their groove; but once they get there... look out because you've just been hooked. Did you ever like those early Trans Am albums from way back when? I did. Infinity Shred kind of reminds me of those couple classics... meets Com Truise... meets Fang Island... meets I almost made it through without mentioning Nintendo.

Basically, Infinity Shred makes jams that'll take you to Mars, man.

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