Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Jason Keill of Legacy of Disorder Picks the Top Five Neck-Destroying Songs

Headbanging is an integral part of metal. But when overdone, headbanging can become neck-breaking. Legacy of Disorder’s new album, Last Man Standing, has plenty of riffs that could prove spine-damaging so we asked bassist Jason Keill what his favorite neck-destroying songs are. Listen at your own risk.

1. Slayer, “Raining Blood” “Last time I saw these guys, I was off my face drunk, which meant that there were no reservations. Violent neck abuse ensued for at least half of their set. The rest of the time was spent drinking. Slayer played ‘Raining Blood’ and I just went ape shit. A great show from what I could remember. I had whiplash for about a week or so after that effort.”

2. Hatebreed, “Destroy Everything” “Yes, this song destroyed every tendon and muscle in my neck when I first wrapped my ears around this little ripper live. Had some rib damage going on as well but I didn’t care. Hatebreed is a big set of hairy titanium gorilla testes and you don’t stop until the gorilla stops.”

3. Sepultura, “Arise” “I have never had the pleasure of seeing this song live, but as a teenager, frantic air guitaring and headbanging to ‘Arise’ with my Walkman jammed in my ears was the call most days. I had to buy the tape two or three times as I worn them out.”

4. Pantera, “Strength Beyond Strength” “Pantera have been a staple of my music-listening since hair started to grace my nether regions. Too many songs to choose from these guys but ‘Strength Beyond Strength’ from Far Beyond Driven is a great introduction to the album, and it’s balls to the wall from start to finish. Great whiplash causing properties.”

5. Lamb of God, “Blood of the Scribe” “Quite a recent band for me but a lot of the hooks that Lamb of God have are crushing. Extremely catchy indeed. I keep going back to this song when I’m partying to loosen my vertebrae, and suffer the consequences later.

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