Thursday, November 17, 2011

Courtney Love Can't Stop Ranting About Dave Grohl

On Sunday night, Courtney Love launched into a passionate (and profane) rant in the middle of a Hole set at Sao Paulo's SMU Festival after a fan waved a Kurt Cobain poster in front of her. Today, the Love buzz continued as footage from the outrage-prone frontwoman's post-show interview hit the web.
"I own Nirvana with my daughter [Frances Bean]," Love explains in the interview. "Because of tax reasons I have to give that money to my sister, Kim Cobain, and [Kurt's mother] Wendy Cobain. Dave makes five million a show... why the fuck, then, does he have a Nirvana Inc. credit card and I don't?" Love goes on to accuse Grohl of purchasing an Aston Martin while Kurt's mother and sister freeze under the bridge that Kurt sang about in the Nevermind track "Something in the Way."
Love also trotted out tired old accusations about Groh's contributions to Nirvana's music. "He didn't even write the drum riff for 'Smells Like Teen Spirit,' " she said. "Kurt owns 100 percent of that publishing... You can go like [the Foo Fighters] all you want. But don't say you like them in front of me, because I will walk off stage and never come back." Point made!
Love has long made bashing the very likeable Foo Fighters frontman a hobby. See 2009, 2007, and 2005, for a start!

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