Thursday, November 10, 2011


Selebrities's website

Selebrities is a trio from Brooklyn led by singer Maria Usbeck that plays moody post-something pop that will remind you of the early 2000s which reminded you of the early 1980s. Selebrities jams are full of those goth-y synths, sad guitar jingle-jangles, haunting bass lines, and lots of those scattered click-clack beats that like to go all noir.

Yes, there's definitely a Joy Division thing going on here and if you hate me for saying that in 2011, well, you haven't listened to Selebrities yet. So this is definitely not a new sound, or even a new OLD sound, but it's still a good sound. And good sounds is what it's all about, right?

Think of Selebrities as kind of like a really good slice of pizza. As you're eating it are you saying "well, this is nothing new... it's just melted cheese and tomato sauce and a crispy crust" or are you saying, "MDSHFOSDUFSNDDEDD" because your mouth is full of cheesy deliciousness?

You see? That's what I'm talking about when I talk about Selebrities. They're like a really good slice of pizza. You heard it here first and if you hear that anywhere else, our lawyer will be calling them soon.

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