Monday, October 24, 2011


Oh, the places they'll go! That's what we think when we listen to Dive. This band is on the up-up-and-away.

Brooklyn's Dive is Cole Smith (Beach Fossils) + Devin Perez + Andrew Bailey + Colby Hewitt (ex-Smith Westerns). This great new group (who says "group" anymore anyway?) plays shimmery and shiny pop that swirls along with that super clean reverb-y guitar sound that gets me in the gut every time. There's definitely a bit of Kraut rocking around under these melodic jams too... something not in the Beach Fossils repertoire... yet.

The always exceptional Captured Tracks (the label of recent Rockness favorites Widowspeak, Hoop Dreams, Blouse, MINKS and, well, lots more) is releasing Dive's first two 7"s. And I'm about to pick that shit up FOR SURE.

Go see these guys so you can say you saw them before they took over the world. Or, at least Brooklyn. North Brooklyn for sure.

(By the way, if you're reading this sometime before October 18 in the 20011th year of our lord, you should come to the Oh My Rockness CMJ/birthday party and see these guys... but what are the chances you're reading this before then?).

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