Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Noel Gallagher: Liam Attacked Me With Guitar

Oasis songwriter files countersuit against his brother


ormer Oasis songwriter Noel Gallagher has filed a series of claims against his brother and former bandmate Liam, accusing him of abusive and irresponsible behavior prior to the band breaking up in 2009. These claims counter charges from Liam accusing his brother of slandering his name after the band scrapped a headlining performance at the V Festival that year.

According to a 14-page writ acquired by the Daily Mail, the elder Gallagher is accusing Liam of disrupting gigs at least 12 times over between 1994 and 2005, aggravating a throat condition with unhealthy lifestyle decisions, attacking fans and leaving "offensive voicemail messages" on his brother's phone. In one particularly shocking passage, Liam is accused of entering Noel's dressing room, snatching his guitar, swinging it around and nearly hitting his brother in the face with the instrument.

In addition to these complaints, Noel clarifies that he never spoke to Liam about his clothing line Pretty Green, but insisted that the products not be advertised in the band's tour brochure. He also mentions that he believed that Liam was being "spiteful and childish" by dedicating songs to Pretty Green employees during gigs.


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